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How we can work together.


As a writer, I'm somewhat unique: I actually like people! And I love to manage larger projects, whether program development or company-wide information gathering. I bring these skill sets to every contract. 

Copy Writing ​and Editing 

Have a pesky proposal that needs to be written? Or a press release or website copy? Let me help you out. Or, if your copy already exists, it may need some review. Different projects need different levels of editing. Sometimes a client wants a review for accuracy and ease of reading; other times a more comprehensive, structural edit is in order. I've written and edited textbooks, dissertations, marketing copy, product descriptions, case statments and proposals.


Ghostwriting is the miraculous process in which I extract a story from your head. Most of the time, this work is longform, like a memoir or book. While I do the heavy lifting, ghostwriting will still require a fair amount of your time in interviewing and reviewing. We will definitely be on each other's Christmas card lists at the end of the process. I have ghostwritten company yearbooks, annual reports, memoirs, self-help books, and the occasional cover letter. 

Project Management​

As a project manager, I help tame and guide complex projects into successful completion. This service is especially helpful for endeavors like large grant proposals, the development of new programs, or acting as a company historian. I help guide organizations through mission creation, re-branding, and strategic planning discussions. I have experience with national, private, and government funding organizations as well as an aptitude and facility with interdepartmental and B2B relations.

Writer's Coaching 

Do you have a story trapped inside you? Sometimes it's a story only you can tell. Let's make the world a better place and bring that story into the light of day. Trust me: we can do this. I coach nonprofessional writers in blogging, essays, and first-time books. I also help professional writers overcome the dreaded writer's block, ennui, and/or stale copy. This service combines project management, structure shaping, and motivation exercises. 

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